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Shall not in a sentence

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Sentence count:229+2Posted:2017-07-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: till nowDead men tell no talesshallshaleshallowshallotmarshalmess hall
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(151) This Act shall not apply to breaches of trust or of other fiduciary obligation.
(152) If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yieldedsimultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing.
(153) Our gratefulness shall not be turned into idolization. Instead reciprocate to his true love - other sentient being.
(154) The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment ofofgoods due to force majeure.
(155) If you do not take back what you said, I shall not speak to you again.
(155) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(156) The customer shall not reproduce other's information for resale and reloading.
(157) the amortization period in respect of intangible assets for which no useful life has been stipulated or which have been developed internally shall not be less than ten years.
(158) Parties shall not be responsible in damages or otherwise for any failure of performance of the agreement other than the payment of money if such failure results from Force Majeure.
(159) The temperature of the test conductors shall not exceed or be able to contact a surface that exceeds the branch circuit conductor rating marked on the luminaire .
(160) Deuteronomy 6:16 Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.
(161) Hon Advisor shall not pay membership fees and hold equal voting right at the AGM.
(162) Social insurance registration documents shall not be forged or altered.
(163) He shall not haste to run away, for he shall not be overcome with the fear which causes panic.
(164) He shall not encumber his brain with the coil of rhythm and number.
(165) The playing surface shall not include the vertical sides of the tabletop.
(166) In the course of a strike, the labor union shall not disturb public peace and order, or inflict an injury on the lift, property or personal freedom of others.
(167) Scaffolds shall not be loaded in excess of the working load for which they are intended.
(168) Allergic people shall not take royal jelly, they shall take queen bee placenta.
(169) The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it , neither shall it be valued with pure gold.
(170) The air gap between armature and field coil shall not exceed OEM specifications.
(171) The 35th article of the pre-approved enterprises in the name of the life, shall not be used for operating activities, non-transferable.
(172) Failures attributed to equipment, test setup or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify the product.
(173) You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it.
(174) We seemingly shall not converse, listen to the radio or watch television, until — after you have viewed them for one year — we unseal our images.
(175) During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business.
(176) We shall not get anywhere unless we take direct action ourselves.
(177) If you want to pry into other people'sbusiness you shall not do it here, young man.
(178) He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.
(179) Field coil windings shall not show evidence of being burned, severely overheated, damage or loose windings.
(180) Unless are devoted to God, secularism shall not leave us.
More similar words: till nowDead men tell no talesshallshaleshallowshallotmarshalmess halloil shalejohn marshallmarshall planshilly-shallyuntil nowmalnourishedillnessfullnesswell nighwellnessmalnourishmentstillnessill-naturedhallhalohalehalthalflethalhalvehalalhallow
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